Monday, December 18, 2006

To Andrew

Happy 2nd Anniversary

with love and hugs


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Saturday 9th December - Christmas Dinner

6.20 -turkey in over

6.35 - potatoes on hob

7.05 - potatoes in oven

8.00 - pudding on hob
- soup on hob

8.15 - stuffing in oven
- sausages in oven
- potatoes on hob

8.20 - carrots and cauliflower in steamer

8.25 - brocolli in steaner

8.30 - serve soup

8.35 - turkey out

8.40 - peas on hob

8.45 - serve turkey

9.30 - pudding

well apart from forgetting to turn on the steamer and forgetting to put the stuffing in the oven, a sucessful Christmas dinner. Okay so it was a few weeks early but it was nice. And the first time I've cooked for 9!

I think I can wear my domestic goddess apron with pride.