Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Beautiful Shoes

Yesterday I was wondering round the metrocentre when suddenly a beautiful shoe started calling out to me, telling me I had to buy it and its other half. I was good and resisted (although regret it immensly) but I did visit the shoe three times during the three hours that I was in the metrocentre.

I spent most of my time in the metrocentre trying to justify buying the shoes, but unfortunately couldn't come up with a better reason than they are pretty, which to be honest most of the time that is as good a reason as any for buying new shoes but with my job contract ending in two weeks I didn't think it was adequate.

So for the time being I will continue to long for the beautiful shoes.


catherine said...

you are so strong...i can very rarely resist the lure of beautiful shoes.

though i'm contemplating the purchase of a computer at the moment, so might have to content myself with drooling over shoes in shops and then putting them back (obviously after wiping them) for a while...

kirstin said...

was tempted to return to the metro centre today to buy them, but then I saw a beautiful bag in durham (and quickly left the shop before I bought it)


no said...

Kirst, you and your shoes... thanks for the link, right back at ya! rrren -x-