Sunday, December 10, 2006

Saturday 9th December - Christmas Dinner

6.20 -turkey in over

6.35 - potatoes on hob

7.05 - potatoes in oven

8.00 - pudding on hob
- soup on hob

8.15 - stuffing in oven
- sausages in oven
- potatoes on hob

8.20 - carrots and cauliflower in steamer

8.25 - brocolli in steaner

8.30 - serve soup

8.35 - turkey out

8.40 - peas on hob

8.45 - serve turkey

9.30 - pudding

well apart from forgetting to turn on the steamer and forgetting to put the stuffing in the oven, a sucessful Christmas dinner. Okay so it was a few weeks early but it was nice. And the first time I've cooked for 9!

I think I can wear my domestic goddess apron with pride.


catherine said...

i bow to your goddess skills.

seriously, i am v v impressed. timing of food is one thing i have a really hard time getting right. there's always one dish that gets frazzled or is still in the oven when everything else is ready...

kirstin said...

Andrew was a little offended that I forgot to mention his part in the cooking

kirstin said...

Now you're making it sound like I did nothing

catherine said...

a good team effort it sounds like! and impressive all round, really...

no said...

Well done Kirstin! That's impressive. Oh, and Andrew. As you're here, I'll say well done to you too. Senior management (aka Kirstin) has taught you well. Tee hee