Wednesday, July 23, 2008

decisions decisions

we are going to a wedding in a months time and i can't decide what to wear, i'm quite looking forward to going to the wedding and getting dressed up for the first time in months now that i fit into normal clothes again, and since i had to miss the last wedding i was invited to because at 38 weeks pregnant i really didn't have anything to wear.

i have a few options as to my attire for the day

1. black and white coast dress - worn to two weddings last year

2. blue and white karen millen dress - worn a few times on holiday in toronto

3. buy something new

lucy will be wearing this lovely monsoon dress,

so if anyone would like to help me make the decision please leave a comment, and no matter what dress i decide on i could also do with some help shopping for either a new dress or new accessories while i'm in northern ireland in august.


catherine said...

i like the black & white dress but maybe you would clash with lucy if you were wearing the red scarf against her dress?

i am always up for a shopping trip - and it'll be more fun for you than our last one which consisted of you watching me try things on! let me know when you're over in the homeland and i'd love to do coffee/shopping if possible.

kirstin said...

yes i did think the red might clash with lucy but i'd match her pram.

We fly over on thursday 31st till the following thursday
