Saturday, July 08, 2006

My Birthday!!!

Wednesday was my 25th birthday - that feels too old.

Anyway Andrew and I went to London on Tuesday for a Marcus Miller concert, which I didn't really want to go to but the idea of the trip was sold to me as Tuesday night we'd go to the gig and then Wednesday we would do whatever I wanted to do as it was my birthday.


On Tuesday evening when Andrew asked had I thought of anything I wanted to do on Wednesday and I suggested the London eye (if it was a nice day), he decided to break the news to me that he had brought a broken bit of camera equipment with him to take to a camera fixing place!!!! so much for me getting to choose what to do on my birthday as cameras rarely feature in my idea of a good birthday. So we decided to go to the camera fixing place first. We got the tube to Vauxhall and then I spotted a Starbucks and sat there drinking my grande skinny no-whip mocha with my book while andrew got his flash gun fixed.


catherine said...

i'm hoping that you did get to go to the london eye after all...and that you did have a good birthday!

photos of the wedding are up on flickr, but they're friends/family only so you'll need to sign in to view them...

kirstin said...

no it was too grey a day to go on it, there would have been nothing to see.

Have seen the pics thanks

no said...

hey happy birthday girlie! hope you had a lovely day despite the odd setback.