Thursday, August 24, 2006

You have to laugh


catherine said...

this. is. mental.

do you think people actually buy these for their kids? and do the kids actually wear them?

esther said...

it's strange and BIZARRE that these look EXACTLY LIKE THE ENGLAND SHIRTS.

the woman who invented these HAS to be a ye-olde-middle-englande-christian.

oh ho, i am a bitch. but so are these vile, shiny, "oh no you didn't" pajamas.

God help the poor kids who are made to wear them and are traumatised.

kirstin said...

on the website that sells them you can also buy dolls wearing the pjs!

The pjs look really synthetic - almost plasticy and I'm sure they would be really uncomfortable to sleep in.

no said...

well at least the middle-of-the-night-plasticy-pyjama-induced sweats would be biblically inspired!

These are Kool Aid Christianity at its finest. A Jesus flavoured everything! Grr