Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Party in the park

On Sunday I was singing with the church music group at the Ponteland party in the park, its a kind of community festival but organised by the churches in Ponteland and they asked us to sing some contemporary worship at the start of the event.

Now I know that some of you reading this who have ever heard me attempting to sing happy birthday to anyone will be horrified to think that I was singing on stage, but those of you who have sung with me in choirs will know that I can sing (as long as I think no-one can hear me).

It was an absolutely gorgeous warm (no actually roasting) day on Sunday and I arrived for the festival and realised we all had individual mikes and that meant I might have to sing on my own for a soundcheck. Time to enter Kirstin panic mode (inwardly of course) I was a little concerned that if anyone heard me attempt to sing on my own that they would be having a quiet word with me that maybe singing on stage with a microphone might not be the best role for me in the group.

Anyway the instruments all got soundchecked and the other singers arrived and we had to go on stage for a soundcheck (more inward panic) and yes we did have to sing individually for the soundcheck and to make matters worse I was mike number 1!!!!!! which you got it meant I had to sing on my own FIRST!!!!!! Here's were the inward panic manifested itself as major giggling with me insisting that there was no way I was singing into the microphone on my own with no music. Everyone else protested that it'd be fine, and so I...................................................................

wussed out and said hello 1.. 2... 3... and that was my sound check!!!!

After that singing with everyone else was absolutely fine (I can sing with other people, I just can't sing on my own) We sang about 4 or 5 songs then had to leave the stage for a minister to open the festival. I was the first off the stage because as it was getting hotter and hotter on stage I was feeling rather odd, I think I might have been feeling faint but I don't really know because I've never fainted before, so I was very quick to leave the stage and sit down. Then we went on stage again and sand 3 more songs before going for lunch.

1 comment:

no said...

Well done you, sounds a little scary even for an old warbler like me - hope you enjoyed the festival.