Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I'm not lost - just undiscovered

On the way home from work in the car today the song (that I don't know the title of or the artiste) with the line "I'm not lost! Just undiscovered!" was playing on the radio. Every time I hear it it reminds me of a youth fellowship summer outing years ago....

We were all walking from Whitehead to Blackhead lighthouse. Catherine and I decided to take a short cut / alternative route to the lighthouse. After sitting at the lighthouse for quite some time the rest of the group never appeared so we headed back to Whitehead. On arrival at the carpark everyone laughed at us because we got lost - but Catherine and I kept insisting "we weren't lost! just they didn't know where we were! we knew exactly where we were.

1 comment:

catherine said...

it's james morrison (you should buy the album, it's great!).

also, i totally remember the lighthouse incident! you just rewound me about 12 years in time...