Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dear Gok

I usually like your programmes however last night your new Gok's Miss Naked Beauty was atrocious.

Where did you find your collection of weird girls who are so insecure they can't look at themselves in a mirror without their make-up on, although I do wonder how they manage to put their make-up on in the first place. And it seems a tad daft to send a fully made up Mylene to talk to a girl who is in tears because someone might see them without make-up. I think it would be a great improvement to the show to have Mylene make-up-less as well.

I'm also a bit confused as to what you are looking for because your girls seem to be a bit of a mixture.

Is it someone very insecure who you can convince they are beautiful without their make-up?
Or is it someone who is already happy with their appearance whether they have make-up on or not?

You chucked out anyone who had had plastic surgery, then you made everyone remove their make-up, get rid of their piercings, but you didn't send home the girls who have coloured their hair.

Really if you want natural beauty you need to find someone who doesn't wear make-up, doesn't cut, colour or style their hair, and doesn't shave, but is happy with their appearance. But I don't think they would make a terribly good cover girl and with the prize being a years contract with a model agency I don't really think that person will win.

Best Wishes

K x

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