Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pet Rocks

Last night, in an attempt to declutter our house, we were discussing what could be removed from the living room and the two rocks sitting on our hearth got mentioned. I suggested that maybe we could move our pet rocks to the garden, Andrew looked agast and said he was rather fond of his. I replied that I was also rather fond of mine.

When I began to think about it I realised I had had my pet rock for over 10 years. It went London with me, for my gap year, and then spent four years with me at university before coming to live on the hearth here. I even remember when I found it, I was walking with some friends through Broadlands (I think) in Carrick heading to the Doherty's house for a Holiday Bible Club planing meeting.

Its stange the things we pick up on life's journey and just don't want to put down.

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