Now you are 6 months and you have moved into your own bedroom and started solid foods.
So far you like sleeping in your cot at night, it's not a strange room for you because you have had your naps in there since you outgrew your moses basket.
This past month you suddenly learnt to sit up, to start with you could only sit up without help at babysign classes on a Friday, I excitedly got home and started trying to get you to show of your new skill only for you to fall over, but three days later you figured it out at home and stayed sitting long enough to take a photo. Then you perfected the skill while in Northern Ireland for Christmas.
You also celebrated our wedding anniversary by getting your first tooth. You then seemed to be fast getting your next one but it still hasn't arrived yet.
Christmas was a wee bit much for you with all the excitement and presents and people and you found the day very tiring, especially since Santa's reindeer's hooves woke you at 5am on Christmas morning (I suppose you were preparing us for future years).
This is the end of 2008 and I really enjoyed the past 6 months getting to know you and I'm looking forward to watching you grow and learn more and more in 2009.
Love Mummy