Well this one is so bad I can't even think of a way to describe it succintly for the title. It is the annual photo my nana took of me every summer and I'm not quite sure when the picture was taken, but I would guess summer 1993 or 1994 (which would make me 12 or 13). I base this guess on the length of my hair, the thickness of my fringe and the glasses.
Well I think the entire ensemble is a catalogue of bad decisions, the flowery dungarees and the white body (yes it is a body - you know a leotard type thing that has poppers under the crotch) are both from Tammy Girl (I know its just called Tammy, but back then it was Tammy Girl) Strangely the dungarees give me enormous hips which I'm pretty sure I didn't have back then, I don't appear to have done anything with my hair and the fringe is attrocious, prior to that I had a really thick fringe but when I started grammar school I grew out half of it to make it a thinner fringe which is what you can see in the picture. In 1995 I made a good decision which was to get rid of the fringe completely. Even now when I go to the hairdressers I always say I don't want a fringe.
And finally the glasses, what can I say, everyone who is short sighted must have had the same problem. You get your eyes tested and then you choose new glasses but because you can't see you have to trust the opinion of your mum and the optician trying to sell the frames. Two weeks later when the glasses are ready you try them on and you actually see what you look like, but by that time its too late. (I now always wear my contacts when choosing new glasses.)
props to you, my brave friend! i also had a pair of the flowery dungaree shorts (and wore them on a school trip, what was i thinking??!!?). not a good fashion choice for me i fear.
i also hear you re: the glasses-buying trauma - did you know they now have a camera in specsavers so you can take photos of you trying specs on and compare them? genius, i call it...
ah kirstin i love it. can't believe we used to wear those crotch snappers all the time. travesty.
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