Now you are 5 months old, and you seem to be growing up so so fast. You have started to reach and grab at things, but your lack of balance means you still need to be held.
You have also started to take a big interest in what we are eating and drinking, you watch us so carefully that I think you are plotting and one day will reach out and grab the chocolate / biscotti / coffee that we are just about to put in our mouths and gobble it up. Or possibly you're just watching us so you know what to do when I decide you are ready for something more interesting than milk.
While your daddy was away in London you worked out how to roll from your back to your front and then about a week later managed to roll the other way (although you still don't do it very often) now I regularly have to roll you back to your back when you get frustrated at being on your front.
You really enjoy being taken out for walks in your pram now as we changed it from the carrycot to the pushchair. I was supposed to wait till you are 6 months but after walking up 2 mornings in a row to find snow on the ground I decided it was time to get you all snug in the fleecy footmuff of the pushchair and you love it. You can see all round you and talk to me as we go out for walks and you can even sit with us in starbucks as we enjoy our drinks.
Two weeks ago a new friend arrived, and he goes everywhere with us. Where lucy goes so does hopsotch. Our cute yellow giraffe.
Love Mummy
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