Saturday, July 15, 2006

Vampires and Demons

Yesterday at Alnwick Garden I learnt a new way to escape from vampires and demons and I feel that for the good of mankind (or at least the 2 or 3 people who read this) I should pass on this knowledge.

You probably didn't know that vampires and demons have a compulsion to count poppy seeds, so you should always carry some poppy seeds with you just in case you should ever find yourself being pursued by a vampire or a demon. If you throw some of the poppy seeds on the ground the vampires and demons will immediately start counting them, and that should keep them busy till Buffy arrives to slay them and gives you the chance to escape.


no said...

wow, wonder what else they have a compulsion for? clipping coupons, alphabetising replies to invites, synchronising watches...

great discovery, perhaps useful one day? hope not

kirstin said...

well currently I doubt it will be useful as I'm not yet carrying a bag of poppy seeds with me

I'll feel a bit stupid when I get chased by a vampire of a demon and I'm not prepared