Monday, July 03, 2006

The monster in the corner

There's a monster in the corner of our living room, it's hiding just out of sight behind the armchair. We don't mind it sitting there, as long as it behaves. Its probably choosen that spot because it can read the books on the bookshelf and play monopoly without us noticing.

Unfortunately Nutmeg is not so pleased about the arrival of the monster in the corner, because previously it was her corner, her hiding place where she could sleep undisturbed for hours. But since the monster's arrival on Saturday night she hasn't been keen to go into the corner, she creeps around the chair very slowly ready to run if the monster attacks.


no said...

whoa, sounds creepy. however, i am influenced at being ambushed by an adder and a bat on our walk last night...

kirstin said...

well the monster in the corner is invisible to humans, or possibly just a figment of Nutmeg's imagination.

I think you're very brave to survive an ambush by an adder and a bat, strange pair to gang up against you.

no said...

oh it happened at different times, at different parts of the forest....